Bob Ross Painting

For anyone who is thinking about learning how to paint I highly recommend you find a Bob Ross Painting Class in your area if one is available. I have no art or drawing talent at all. In fact, I never even thought about it since my art talent amounts to being able to draw a stick-man and a happy-face...and that's about it. But something happened.

Bob Ross Painting

Bob Ross Painting

Bob Ross Painting

Bob Ross Painting

Bob Ross Painting

Bob Ross Painting

Bob Ross Painting

I decided to see if I could find a class using his techniques. What I did was Google Bob Ross Painting Classes in Portland Oregon and came up with a  Craft Store offering the class. I've managed to take two of his classes. They last about 3 hours, mine cost me $20 bucks at the time. I had to buy my paints and canvasses etc., over all I think I spent about $125 but I got to tell you it was one of the most relaxing things I've ever done.

I would highly recommend anyone considering to learn how to paint to check out The Bob Ross Painting course or system. I don't know about other painting programs this is my first, but from my experience I found it to be relaxing, easy and stress free. I really enjoyed it.